Modesty In Actions And Apparel

Torah forbids wearing of attire intended for or styled after clothing of the opposite sex (Deut. 22:5), and apparel which exposes or reveals the body, including:

• Loose or low-cut necklines which expose the chest and breasts, either continuously, or intermittently in the course of movement. (Ezek. 16:7,8;15;36-38; 23:3,18)

• High-cut skirts, splits, and shorts, which expose the legs and thighs when sitting or walking (Isa 47:1)

• Sleeveless shirts and tops which expose the shoulders and underarms (3 Hermas 9:80,81; 128-133)

• Tight-fitting or semi-translucent attire which hugs/reveals the breasts, hips, outline of undergarments, etc., or is styled to emphasize the private/procreative areas of the body. (Prov 7:10, 1 Timothy 2:9)

• Similarly, it appears that flaunting of the hair may also be understood (or at very least, was understood by the Hebrew sages) as falling under this category (cf. Ezek. 16:7,8; 3 Hermas 9:80,130,133, 1Cor 11:10, 1 Tim 2:9)

• Likewise, although one may be hard-pressed to build a “sola-scriptura” case against the wearing of slacks by women (not to be confused with garments worn under a dress for added modesty), the custom runs in contradistinction to the standards historically held by ancient Israel, and was introduced in this country only upon the advent of the “feminist” or “women liberation” movement, where women professed equality to men in the work-force, in dress, and in the absence of bearing children in the home, and claimed rights to employment and its associated attire which before pertained only to men. This in itself runs clearly in contradistinction to Titus 3:2-5 and Psalm 113:9 which proclaim that Yahweh makes the barren woman become a joyful mother of children and keeper of her husband’s home, in which case she ought to be dressed appropriately.

It is priestly for a man to keep his hair trimmed, retained, or controlled, as indicated by Ezekiel 44:20: "They shall not shave their heads nor let their hair Footnote become exceeding long/hang loose or unkempt, Footnote but they shall only trim their hair" Similarly, a man is to retain the facial hair which Yahweh gave to him. Shaving of the beard (balding or destroying the corners -- Lev 19:27) is against nature and against Torah. Likewise, a woman's hair is to be retained for her husband, and not to be cut as a man's or flaunted to others (Isa 47:2,3, 1 Cor 11:6,10,15).

The call of the Almighty is to depart from the sins of the Chaldeans and spiritual Babel, that we partake not in her sins, including immodesty and the mixing of male/female roles and responsibilities. (Ezek. 23:14-17, Rev 18:4,5)

This article was published on Saturday 07 January, 2017.
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