Below is a list of articles with the most recent ones listed first. |
Can An Aspect of Elohim Die? |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Since Yahweh says "I live forever" and David says His "years never end", how can Yahshua be Yahweh and die on the stake? Closer examination reveals unsubstantiated claims based on “selective scholarship” and partially quoted verses which disprove the theory when examined in their entirety. |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
A Divine Messiah In Judaism |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Multitudes are being beguiled by counter-missionaries into believing a divine Messiah runs contrary to Jewish thought. They aren't telling them the true historical position of Judaism on the Deity of the Messiah. Internal evidence undoes the Rabbis objections to Yahshua. |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
The Veracity Of The Virgin Birth |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
The Peshitta translated ALMAH as virgin. The 7 times ALMAH is used in Tanakh, it can only mean VIRGIN. The 72 Jewish translators of the Septuagint interpreted it the same way. Even Rashi the revered Jewish Bible expositor, believed that the Creator would come to earth through a woman never having ... |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
Aramaic Leaves No Doubt Yahshua Is Yahweh |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Yahshua’s humanity is referenced as MARI, and no man other than Yahshua is ever called MARYAH, due to his unique role as the only begotten YACHID Son. ENA-NA also conveys eternal existence reserved only for Deity, therefore Yahshua these Aramaic terms was deliberately claiming for Himself titles ... |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
Death of the Innocent, The Crucifixion, & Child Sacrifice |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Did Yahweh shed the blood of a completely innocent third party on the cross? If so He wouldn't have saved us from hell, but occasioned the death of the only one who'd not fallen into it. So was the crucifixion "child sacrifice" and torture in a whole new pagan paradigm, or was Yahshua an incarnati... |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
Necessary Inference Proves Yahshua Is Yahweh |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Not only do the Hebrew Scriptures teach Yahshua is Yahweh; is can be proven through the testimony of the propehts and apostles using the evidences of necessary inference that Yahshua MUST be Yahweh to be Messiah. |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
Messiah As Manifestation of Elohim |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
A literal interpretation of John 14:6-9 suggests the Father is manifested through His Son, and that Yahshua's appearance upon the earth was a manifestation of Elohim in a physical form, as John 1:18 clearly declares. |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
The Messenger of Yahweh's Presence |
Topic: Yahshua & YHWH |
Yahshua or Michael is the one who is "like El" or "like the Father" He is the archangel meaning He is arched over or above the other ministering spirits, the Messenger of Yahweh's presence, and was only made lower than the angels while performing the role of Mashiyach ben Yoseph here on the earth. |
Published: Wednesday 21 December, 2016 |
The Hebrew Yeshua Vs. The Greek Jesus |
Topic: Apostacy |
They have remade Yahshua who raised up law-abiding disciples, as scripture promised the real Messiah would, and given him a revisionist Roman makeover, so today we have the Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus - 2 separate historical figures representing 2 separate systems, and only 1 can be right. |
Published: Friday 16 December, 2016 |
Anti-missionary Arguments Against The Resurrection Answered |
Topic: Apologetics |
If Yahshua is Yahweh, who brought him back to life? And does the New Testament Really contain conflicting resurrection accounts? |
Published: Friday 16 December, 2016 |